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1954 - First Year
9/6/54 Sports Illustrated. The 4th issue! cover photo of Skipper Gib Wolfe on his sailboat. features: "Battle For the Amateur" (golfing) by Herbert Warren Wind; "New Vogue For an Old Favorite" (poodles) by Alace Wagner; "Why Ronnie Knox Quit California" by Harvey Knox; "Low-Pressure Lopez" (Al Lopez) by Ernest Havemann. tight and clean. has subscription label. excellent plus or nicer. 19.50
9/20/54 issue of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Magazine. The SIXTH issue. Cover CALGARY STAMPEDE RODEO photo. articles on article on Cleveland Indians; pro football; 1954 minor league heroes; "Brooklyns Lose"; The real boss of the Yankees; football in the Midwest and fencing. overall excellent. subscription label. 15.00
10/4/54 Sports Illustrated. Cowgirl model; Articles: Ernest Hemmingway; Diving; World Series. subscription label. overall excellent or better. 15.00
10/4/54 Sports Illustrated. Cowgirl model; Articles: Ernest Hemmingway; Diving; World Series. no label. near mint. 21.00
10/4/54 Sports Illustrated. Cowgirl model; Articles: Ernest Hemmingway; Diving; World Series. label. excellent. 16.00
10/11/54 Sports Illustrated. Oklahoma Sooners band member; Joe DiMaggio. tight and clean. subscription label. very good to excellent. 18.50
10/18/54 Sports Illustrated. STEEPLECHASE HORSE RACING color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 12.50
10/25/54 Sports Illustrated. HUNTING DOG with PHEASANT color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or better. 15.00
11/1/54 Sports Illustrated. THE CROWD at U. Oklahoma football game color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. sorry sold
11/8/54 Sports Illustrated. fisherman BOB SYLVESTER color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 12.50
11/29/54 Sports Illustrated. vintage auto 1900 PEUGEOT color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 12.50
12/6/54 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of an African Lion. Articles: Maurice Richard; Detroit Red Wings; Army vs Navy Football game. George Welsh; quarterback for Navy. subscription label. overall excellent or better. 12.50
12/13/54 Sports Illustrated. horse ride EVALEE GEISLER atop Little Brown Jug color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 12.50
1955 - Second Year
1/10/55 Sports Illustrated. Santa Anita HORSE RACING color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 10.00
1/17/55 Sports Illustrated. bullfighter RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 10.00
1/24/55 Sports Illustrated. Swedish gymnasts DORIS HEDBERG and MAUD KARLEN color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 10.00
2/7/55 Sports Illustrated. ice skater CAROL HEISS on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 15.00
2/14/55 Sports Illustrated. AUTOPILOT famous Great Dane dog on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 15.00
2/21/55 Sports Illustrated. swimmer/model BETTY di BUGNANO color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 10.00
2/28/55 Sports Illustrated. Hialeah HORSE RACING color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 10.00
3/7/55 Sports Illustrated. badminton star JOSEPH CAMERON color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 12.50
3/21/55 Sports Illustrated. shot put star PARRY O'BRIEN color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 15.00
4/11/55 Sports Illustrated. New York Giants WILLIE MAYS; LEO DUROCHER and Mrs. Leo Durocher. tight and clean. subscription label. very good. sorry sold
4/18/55 Sports Illustrated. Cleveland Indian AL ROSEN color cover. subscription label. crease in lower right corner. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. sorry sold
5/2/55 Sports Illustrated. Fordham Relay Runner TOM COURTNEY on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 15.00
5/9/55 Sports Illustrated. HOT AIR BALLON on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 12.50
5/16/55 Sports Illustrated. BIRD WATCHERS' GUIDE. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 15.00
5/30/55 Sports Illustrated. Cleveland Indian HERB SCORE on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 22.50
6/06/55 Sports Illustrated. RAINBOW TROUT color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent. 12.50
6/13/55 Sports Illustrated. Ocean Racer WINDIGO Sail Boat on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 12.50
6/20/55 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover of golfer ED FURGOL U.S. Open Preview. tight and clean. light age spotting on cover; subscription label. very good. 10.00
6/20/55 Sports Illustrated. Golfer ED FURGOL U.S. Open Preview on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 15.00
6/27/55 Sports Illustrated. cover photo of DUKE SNIDER. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 55.00
6/27/55 Sports Illustrated. cover photo of DUKE SNIDER. no label. tight and clean. near mint or nicer. 100.00
7/4/55 Sports Illustrated. top dog Westminster Dog Show Bulldog KIPPAX FEARNOUGHT color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 20.00
8/8/55 Sports Illustrated. Archery Champion ANNE MARSTON on cover. subscription label. centerfold loose otherwise tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 10.00
8/22/55 Sports Illustrated. cover illustration Brooklyn Dodgers DON NEWCOMBE. tight and clean. subscription level. excellent plus. 38.50
9/5/55 Sports Illustrated. PINDER BROTHERS spearfisherman color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent. 10.00
9/26/55 Sports Illustrated. cover photo of Brooklyn Dodger WALTER ALSTON with Preview of the World Series. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 29.50
9/26/55 Sports Illustrated. cover photo of Brooklyn Dodger WALTER ALSTON with Preview of the World Series. no label. tight and clean. very light moisture stain on interior pages in lower right corner - but cover is clean! excellent or nicer but displays as mint. 30.00
11/7/55 Sports Illustrated. U. Maryland football star BOB PELLEGRINI color cover. subscription label. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 20.00
11/14/55 Sports Illustrated. ERNEST BURTON Top Gun with shotgun on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 12.50
11/28/55 Sports Illustrated. Army football star DON HOLLANDER color cover. subscription label. scuff on his chin. tight and clean. overall excellent or nicer. 20.00
12/5/55 Sports Illustrated. LOUISE DYER Olympic Fencing on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 12.50
12/12/55 Sports Illustrated. ALDWINS DACHSUNDS Jewell and Adele on cover. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 12.50
1956 - Third Year
1/2/56 Sports Illustrated. cover photo of Brooklyn Dodgers JOHNNY PODRES autographed in dark blue. the autograph is crisp and clean. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent plus. 59.50
February 13 1956 Sports Illustrated. Cover photo of RELAY RUNNERS. Leading back is CHARLES "CHICK" MAUTE of Seton Hall. Full page full color photo of Chicago Black Hawks Hockey great DICK IRVIN. Has complete results of the Olympics 7th Winter Games. Full page color action photo of World Record shot putter PARRY O'BRIEN. Full page full color action photo of Pole Vaulter BOB RICHARDS. excellent plus. 10.00
2/20/56. Sports Illustrated. color cover of GREAT WHITE HERON. Birds of the Everglades; 8 pages of rare color photos. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 10.00
2/27/56. Sports Illustrated. color horseracing cover - ACTION AT HIALEAH - a report on racing's biggest winter. tight and clean. subscription label. overall excellent. 10.00
8/13/56 Sports Illustrated. cover photo titled 5.5 METER SLOOPS: Sailing in the Olympics. interior is tight and clean. subscription label. very good to excellent. 11.00
August 20 1956 issue of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Magazine. This is the Second Anniversary Issue. Cover reprint of the first issue. Great color photo illustrated article on Fiberglas speed boats & outboard motors of the future. Complete magazine is tight and clean; intact. Cover has subscription label and very minor edge wear. exc. 10.00
10/8/56 Sports Illustrated. cover illustration of Cleveland Browns COACH BROWN and QUARTERBACK RATTERMAN. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 20.00
10/15/56 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of sailing legend HAROLD S. VANDERBILT. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 15.00
10/22/56 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Maryland duck hunter DR. JOHN CHAMBERS. tight and clean. subscription label. 12.50
6/3/57 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo CLEM LABINE Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 27.50
2/24/58 Sports Illustrated. color cover action photo of track star PHIL REAVIS from Villanova. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 15.00
4/14/58 Sports Illustrated. Special 1958 Baseball Issue. Scouting reports; Wrigley of the Chicago Cubs; Players in action photos. no mailing label but does have "Special Introductory Offer" tipped in on front. minor fade in lower right corner. interior is tight and clean. excellent plus to near mint. 25.00
4/28/58. Sports Illustrated. color cover of racing horse SILKY SULLIVAN. Kentucky Derby Preview. Big League Baseball - historic photos from California. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 10.00
6/9/58. Sports Illustrated. color photo cover of golfer DICK MAYER Defending Champions - Preview the U.S. Open. tight and clean. subscription label. very good plus to excellent. 12.00
7/21/58 Sports Illustrated with cover of CHRIS VON SALTZA; #1 U.S. Swimmer at the age of 14. Overall excellent or nicer. 9.50
9/15/58 Sports Illustrated. color cover of British Sailboat under full sail. Special Preview of America's Cup Races. interior is tight and clean. cover is loose. subscription label. very good. 10.00
10/09/58 Sports Illustrated. cover cover of Geese at Carolina's Outer Banks. subscription label. cover has water stain. interior is tight and clean. 5.00
11/3/58. Sports Illustrated. color cover of HUGH WILEY Defending Champion National Horse Show's Diamond Jubilee. tight and clean. subscription label. very good to excellent. 10.00
1/5/59. Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of track star RAFER JOHNSON - Sportsman of the Year. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 12.50
1/26/59/ Sports Illustrated. cover horse racing photo - Winter Racing - THEY'RE OFF AT HIALEAH. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 10.00
2/2/59 issue of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED. RON DELANEY "Irish Star on the American Campus". Cover story titled "Is the United States a second-class Track Power?". Full; complete issue. Overall excellent or nicer. subscription label in lower left.. 11.50
3/9/59. Golfer ED SULLIVAN "A studious golfer prepares for the New Season". Full; complete issue of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Color cover. Lots of articles; photos and great car ads. Overall excellent or nicer. As is normal; has the subscription label in lower left. 12.00
3/16/59 issue of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Magazine. Color cover photo of PHIL HILL "Sports Car Driver of the Year". very good to excellent. 12.50
3/30/59. Sports Illustrated. color cover photo TOMMY ARMOUR - How to Play Golf. minor edge water stain. stained on front cover. subscription label. good. 5.00
4/20/59. Sports Illustrated. color cover of Tennis Star BILLY TALBERT. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 10.00
4/27/59. Sports Illustrated. color cover of race horse SILVER SPOON - Sonny Whitney's plucky filly. Derby Preview. tight and clean. age spots on right side of cover. subscription label. very good or nicer. 9.50
5/11/59 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover of Roulette Table. "Gambling at Las Vegas - A Behind the Scenes Report". subscription label. excellent. 15.00
6/01/59 Sports Illustrated. Color cover photo of GARY COOPER and Maria; Rocky. all wearing scuba gear. diagonal creases. subscription label. interior is tight and clean. 10.00
6/15/59 Sports Illustrated. title stories: Los Angeles Horsehide Late Show plus Jack Johnson Heavyweight Black Hamlet. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent. 8.00
6/22/59. Sports Illustrated. color cover artwork of boxer INGEMAR JOHANSSON. Big Fight Preview. tight and clean. subscription label. cover is very good plus. 12.00
6/29/59 Sports Illustrated. color cover of GOLDEN EAGLE in Flight. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent plus. 10.00
7/6/59 issue of Sports Illustrated. INGEMAR JOHANSSON knocking FLOYD PATTERSON to the deck. titled THE RIGHT THAT ROCKED THE SPORTS WORLD. Photo illustrated article on the fight. Overall excellent or nicer; subscription label. 15.00
8/17/59. Sports Illustrated. color illustration of Golf Champion ANNE QUAST of Washington. color portfolio of some leading ladies in the amateur ranks. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent or better. 12.00
10/19/59 Sports Illustrated. color cover "Autumn at Lime Rock - a colorful Race Course Provides Lessons in Safety". subscription label. tight and clean. excellent. 7.00
12/14/59 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover of TOM WATSON & family. subscription label. tight and clean. excellent plus. 10.00
12/21/59 Sports Illustrated. "Special Holiday Issue". subscription label. tight and clean. excellent. 7.00
1/4/60 issue of Sports Illustrated. INGEMAR JOHANSSON "Sportsman of the Year". Cover article "A Plan to Save World Boxing". Nice full page color photo of him inside also. Overall excellent or nicer; subscription label in lower left. Light crease in lower right. 15.00
10/21/63 Sports Illustrated. cover photo of Texas DUKE CARLISLE as he scores against Oklahoma. titled TEXAS IS NO. 1! cover is worn and soiled. subscription label has been removed. still a great reading copy. 6.50
4/13/64 Sports Illustrated. color cover SANDY KOUFAX Dodgers pitcher. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 24.00
5/25/64 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo FRANK HOWARD Dodgers. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 18.50
12/20/65 Sports Illustrated. color cover Dodger SANDY KOUFAX Sportsman Of The Year. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 21.00
1/3/66 Sports Illustrated. "THE BOWLS" cover has college football pennants illustrated. interior tight and clean. 2" spine split at top. overall excellent. 12.00
5/15/67. cover photos of LOS ANGELES DODGERS players. cover story: Buzzie Bavasi "His inside story of the Dodgers". tight and clean. subscription label. very good to excellent. 15.00
11/11/68 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Ohio State JANKOWSKI as he catches touchdown pass against MSU. very good or nicer. no subscription label. 11.50
4/7/69 Sports Illustrated. color cover St. Louis Blues RED BERENSON. edge wear. subscription label. very good. 10.00
5/19/69 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo ALSTON'S HOT YOUNG DODGERS. Picture is Alston; Bill Sudakis; Ted Sizemore and Billy Grabarkewitz. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 14.00
11/30/70 issue Sports Illustrated. Color cover photo of UCLA's SIDNEY WICKS. titled "UCLA Goes After Record Fifth". No subscription label. very good to excellent. 6.50
3/22/71 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers WES PARKER. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 12.50
9/27/71 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers MAURY WILLS. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 15.00
5/1/72 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers WILLIE DAVIS. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 19.50
8/28/72 Sports Illustrated. THE OLYMPICS. interior is tight and clean. masking tape on spine. subscription label. 6.50
11/12/73 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo PISTOL PETE MARAVICH. has subscription label. tight and clean. excellent or nicer. 15.00
8/20/73 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers BILL RUSSELL and CLAUDE OSTEEN. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 14.50
5/27/74 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers JIM WYNN. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 14.00
8/12/74 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers MIKE MARSHALL. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 14.00
9/9/74 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Ohio State's ARCHIE GRIFFIN. College Football 1974. centerfold page is loose - but otherwise tight and clean. subscription label. 12.00
11/11/74 Sports Illustrated. MOHAMMED ALI color action photo on cover. "Taking Back the Title - How Ali Fooled Them All". tight and clean. no subscription label. piece torn off back cover otherwise excellent. 15.00
9/22/75 issue of Sports Illustrated. Color cover photo of Pittsburg Steeler's MEAN JOE GREENE. subscription label. tight and clean. near mint. 9.00
1/5/76 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of PRESTON PEARSON Hauls Down a High One! The Cowboys Win a Shocker. tight and clean. subscription label. light wrinkling to cover. very good plus. 10.00
8/2/76 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Olympic gymnast NADIA COMANECI. tight and clean. surface tear on cover from subscription label removal. 8.00
8/2/76 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Olympic gymnast NADIA COMANECI. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 11.00
10/3/77 Sports Illustrated. Oklahoma football star BILLY SIMS Bounds over The Buckeyes. color cover photo. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 12.50
3/14/77 Sports Illustrated. Dodgers TOM LASORDA on cover. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent plus. 14.00
5/9/77 Sports Illustrated. Bruins CHEEVERS & PARK Ground the Flyers. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 12.50
8/13/79 Sports Illustrated. SILVER ANNIVERSARY ISSUE. Complete magazine. no subscription label. near mint. 9.50
11/26/79 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Ohio State ART SCHLICHTER. "Rose Bowl Bound". tight and clean. subscription label. minor spine roll. excellent. 12.50
5/18/81 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers FERNANDO VALENZUELA Rookie Sensation. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 16.50
4/12/82 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers STEVE GARVEY. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 16.00
5/24/82. Sports Illustrated. Los Angeles Laker MAGIC JOHNSON. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
7/12/82. Sports Illustrated. tennis great JIMMY CONNORS Wimbledon Champion. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
8/2/82. Sports Illustrated. Lightweight boxing champion RAY MANCINI. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
8/15/82. Sports Illustrated. Chicago Bear WALTER PAYTON. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 12.50
9/20/82. Sports Illustrated. tennis. U.S. Open Champion JIMMY CONNORS. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
11/15/82. Sports Illustrated. boxer SUGAR RAY LEONARD Tells Why he is retiring "Hanging 'em Up". tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
11/29/82. Sports Illustrated. College Basketball Issue. Fold out cover. Virginia's RALPH SAMPSON and Georgetown's PATRICK EWING. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 12.50
12/13/82. Sports Illustrated. Raider's MARCUS ALLEN. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
2/28/83. Sports Illustrated. 76ers DR. J (Julius Erving). tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
3/7/83. Sports Illustrated. USFL's Commanding Gerneral HERSCHEL WALKER. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 12.00
4/18/83. Sports Illustrated. New York Met TOM SEAVER. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
4/25/83. Sports Illustrated. San Diego Padre STEVE GARVEY. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
5/2/83. Sports Illustrated. Boston Celtic LARRY BIRD. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
5/9/83. Sports Illustrated. L.A. Laker KAREEM ABDUL JABBAR. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
6/13/83. Sports Illustrated. Angel's ROD CAREW. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint BUT the tip of the upper right corner is off. 5.00
7/4/83. Sports Illustrated. Atlanta Brave DALE MURPHY. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
7/11/83. Sports Illustrated. Tennis great JOHN McENROE Wimbledon Winner. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
8/22/83. Sports Illustrated. track star CARL LEWIS. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
8/29/83. Sports Illustrated. Dallas Cowboy TONY DORSETT. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
9/19/83. Sports Illustrated. Tennis star MARTINA NAVRATILOVA: U.S. Open Champion At Last. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
9/26/83. Sports Illustrated. Boston College DOUG FLUTIE. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
10/24/83. Baltimore Orioles World Series MVP RICK DEMPSEY. subscription label. excellent or nicer. 10.00
10/31/83. Sports Illustrated. basketball RALPH SAMPSON Joins the NBA. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
11/14/83. Sports Illustrated. Miami Dolphin DAN MARINO. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 12.50
3/12/84. Sports Illustrated. Kansas City Royal GEORGE BRETT. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 9.50
3/19/84. Sports Illustrated. Georgetown's PATRICK EWING. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent too near mint. 18.50
1/28/85. Sports Illustrated. 49ers ROGER CRAIG. tight and clean. subscription label removed. very good to excellent. 12.00
7/8/85. Sports Illustrated. Dodgers FERNANDO VALENZUELA. tight and clean. subscription label. near mint to mint. 14.00
8/5/85. Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers PEDRO GUERRERO. tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 12.50
4/14/86. Sports Illustrated BASEBALL 1986. Red Sox WADE BOGGS cover photo. tight and clean. subscription label has been removed. 10.00
8/8/88. Sports Illustrated. BEER: How It Influences the Games We Play and Watch. No subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.00
10/31/88. Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers OREL HERSHISER "The New Mr. October". tight and clean. subscription label. excellent. 12.50
5/1/89 Sports Illustrated. Texas Ranger NOLAN RYAN "Texas Heat". no subscription label. near mint. 15.00
11/15/89 Sports Illustrated. MOHAMMED ALI reading 1963 issue of SI with CASSIUS CLAY on cover. Special Issue for 35th Anniversary. Thick; heavy issue. no subscription label. excellent plus to near mint. 12.50
5/7/90 Sports Illustrated. Color cover photo of KEN GRIFFEY JR. titled "The Natural". subscription label has been removed. crease in upper right corner. excellent. 6.00
5/7/90 Sports Illustrated. Color cover photo of KEN GRIFFEY JR. titled "The Natural". First Griffey SI cover. NO subscription label. near mint. sorry sold
5/27/91 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo MICKEY MANTLE and ROGER MARIS. "Whatever Happened to the Yankees?". subscription label. tight and clean. excellent. 15.00
9/30/91 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Dodger pitcher RAMON MARTINEZ. tight and clean. very good to excellent. 8.00
9/30/91 Sports Illustrated. color cover photo of Dodger pitcher RAMON MARTINEZ. has label on front that says "Husky Football See Inside Story" (label is removeable). tight and clean. near mint. 12.00
12/31/91. Sports Illustrated. MICHAEL JORDAN Sportsman of the Year with hologram image on cover. has subscription label. near mint. sorry sold
5/11/92. Sports Illustrated. Chicago Bulls MICHAEL JORDAN & Portlands CLYDE DREXLER color cover photo. NBA Playoffs issue. has subscription label. near mint. 19.50
5/25/92. Sports Illustrated. Chicago Bulls MICHAEL JORDAN color cover photo. NBA Playoffs issue. has subscription label. excellent plus. 17.00
hardbound book. Sports Illustrated Presents A SEASON TO REMEMBER Dallas Cowboys 1995. Special Collectors Edition. cover is gold embossed faux leather with small inset color photo of Emmitt Smith. tight and clean. near mint to mint. 17.50
5/5/97. Sports Illustrated. Brooklyn Dodgers JACKIE ROBINSON cover. tight and clean. no label. mint. 9.50
6/8/98. Sports Illustrated. Chicago Bulls MICHAEL JORDAN color cover photo. no printing on subscription label. near mint. sorry sold
Extra Edition. 9/6/98. 62! MARK McGWIRE. great full color photo of him on cover. near mint to mint. 6.50
3/29/99 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers KEVIN BROWN. tight and clean. subscription label. near mint. 8.00
7/12/99 Sports Illustrated. color photo cover Dodgers SANDY KOUFAX. tight and clean. subscription label. near mint. 12.00
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Magazine - Winter 1999 SWIMSUIT Issue. REBECCA ROMIJN-STAMOS cover. no subscription label. tight and clean. this is the issue that has them nude; with bathing suits painted onto their skin! has been read. very good to excellent or nicer. 7.00
2001 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED YEARBOOK. stories; stats and stunning photos from the past season. Cover photo collage with Tiger Woods. includes cover photos of all the issues from 2000. square bound. 192 pages. tight and clean. excellent plus to near mint. 12.50
7/30/01. Sports Illustrated. Golfer DAVID DUVAL color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.50
August 2001. Sports Illustrated Kids. Wizards MICHAEL JORDAN color cover photo. includes poster of Jason Giambi and sheet of trading cards. has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 12.50
1/21/02. Sports Illustrated. "The Cover that NO ONE Would Pose For - Is the SI Jinx For Real?" NFL Playoffs issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.00
6/10/02. Sports Illustrated. NBA Finals New Jerseys JASON KIDD and Lakers KOBE BRYANT color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
2/10/03. Sports Illustrated. NBA Star YAO MING color cover photo "The Year of Yao Ming". 2003 NASCAR Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
3/3/03. Sports Illustrated. Lakers KOBE BRYNAT color cover photo "KOBE'S RUN". has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 10.00
3/24/03. Sports Illustrated. 2003 NCAA MARCH MADNESS TOURNAMENT. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 9.50
4/7/03. Sports Illustrated. Marquette DWAYNE WADE; Texas T.J. FORD; Syracuse CARMELO ANTHONY; Kansas NICK COLLISON. NCAA Final Four. color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
4/21/03. Sports Illustrated. Golfer MIKE WEIR color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.50
5/12/03. Sports Illustrated. Sacramento Kings BOBBY JACKSON color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
5/19/03. Sports Illustrated. Nets JASON KIDD color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
6/9/03. Sports Illustrated. Spurs TIM DUNCAN color cover photo. No subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.00
6/23/03. Sports Illustrated. Spurs DAVID ROBINSON color cover photo. No subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
7/7/03. Sports Illustrated. "Chicago Heat" KERRY WOOD and MARK PRIOR color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
7/28/03. Sports Illustrated. KOBE BRYANT "Accused" color cover photo. No subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
12/15/03. Sports Illustrated. Sportsmen of the Year TIM DUNCAN and DAVID ROBINSON color cover photo. No subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
1/08/04. Sports Illustrated. Denver Nuggets CARMELO ANTHONY color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
2/9/04. Sports Illustrated. Patriots TOM BRADY color cover photo. Super Bowl XXXVIII. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
3/01/04. Sports Illustrated. Timberwolves LATRELL SPREWELL; KEVIN GARNETT and SAM CASSELL. color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
5/17/04. Sports Illustrated. Lakers KARL MALONE & KOBE BRYANT battle Spurs TIM DUNCAN color cover photo titled "Lakers' Last Stand". no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
5/31/04. Sports Illustrated. Timberwolves KEVIN GARNET and Lakers KARL MALONE color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
6/21/04. Sports Illustrated. Pistons BEN WALLACE color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
7/26/04. Sports Illustrated. Lakers SHAQ O'NEAL & KOBE BRYANT color cover photo "IT'S OVER". has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 11.00
September 2004. Sports Illustrated Kids. Patriots TOM BRADY color cover photo. Double issue includes S.I. TEEN section. 2004 Football Preview issue. includes posters of plus sheet of trading cards. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 9.50
9/6/04. Sports Illustrated. Patriots TOM BRADY color cover photo. 2004 NFL Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
10/25/04. Sports Illustrated. Miami SHAQ O'NEAL color cover photo. NBA Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 12.50
11/29/04. Sports Illustrated. Pacers RON ARTEST color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 8.50
12/27/04. Sports Illustrated. Miami SHAQ O'NEAL holding world on shoulders color cover photo. smaller inset photos of Payton Manning; Roger Clemens; Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Year-End Double Issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 12.00
February 2005. Sports Illustrated Kids. Cavaliers LEBRON JAMES color cover photo. includes posters of LeBron James and Jimmie Johnson plus sheet of trading card. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 11.00
2/7/05. Sports Illustrated. Patriots TOM BRADY color cover photo. Super Bowl XXXIX Preview. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
2/21/05. Sports Illustrated. Cleveland LEBRON JAMES color cover photo. 2005 NASCAR Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
November 2005. Sports Illustrated Kids. Miami DWAYNE WADE color cover photo. includes posters of Dwayne Wade and Ed Reed. and sheet of trading cards. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 11.00
4/24/06. Sports Illustrated. Cleveland LEBRON JAMES color cover photo. NBA Playoff Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
6/12/06. Sports Illustrated. Miami DWAYNE WADE color cover photo. 2006 World Cup issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
10/23/06. Sports Illustrated. Cleveland LEBRON JAMES color cover photo. NBA Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 10.00
November 2006. Sports Illustrated Kids. Cavaliers LEBRON JAMES color cover photo. includes posters of LeBron James and Eli Manning plus sheet of trading card. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 11.00
December 2006. Sports Illustrated Kids. Miami DWAYNE WADE color cover photo. Special Mega Issue. includes posters AND sheet of 3-D trading cards with glasses. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 14.50
12/11/06. Sports Illustrated. Miami DWAYNE WADE color cover photo. 2006 World Cup issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.00
12/15/06. Sports Illustrated. 50 YEARS OF FACES IN THE CROWD. Special issue. has subscription label. no flaws. near mint. 6.50
5/28/07. Sports Illustrated. Ultimate Fighting Star ROGER HUERTA color cover photo. No subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.00
1/12/08. Sports Illustrated. 2008 BEST SPORTS PICTURES OF THE YEAR. has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.00
2/4/08. Sports Illustrated. Giants MICHAEL STRAHAN and Patriots TOM BRADY color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
4/21/08. Sports Illustrated. Playoff Dreams Lakers KOBE BRYANT and Celtics KEVIN GARNETT color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
6/30/08. Sports Illustrated. Celtics BILL RUSSELL and DANNY AINGE color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.50
7/7/08. Sports Illustrated. Giants TIM LINCECUM "The Freak" color cover photo. has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.50
9/22/08. Sports Illustrated. cover photo of Yankee Stadium with MANTLE AND MARIS titled "Yankee Stadium It's Gone." has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 7.00
January 2009. Sports Illustrated Kids. JORDAN; SHAQ; JAMES color cover photo. Special 20th Birthday Issue. includes posters plus sheet of trading card. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 11.00
2/2/09. Sports Illustrated. Cleveland LEBRON JAMES color cover photo "THE POWER OF LEBRON". NBA Preview issue. has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.50
2/2/09. Sports Illustrated. Cleveland LEBRON JAMES color cover photo "THE POWER OF LEBRON". NBA Preview issue. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 10.00
4/20/09. Sports Illustrated. Orlando Magic DWIGHT HOWARD color cover photo. has subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.50
8/03/09. Sports Illustrated. White Sox MARK BUEHRLE Perfect Game color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. 6.50
10/26/09. Sports Illustrated. Cavaliers SHAQ and LEBRON color cover photo. no subscription label. no flaws. near mint to mint. sorry sold
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