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Space & Sci-Fi * Japanese Anime
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sold out
ADAMS Space Kits
K-161:129 box only. "VANGUARD"
at CAPE CANAVERAL. 1:80. 1958. no kit - empty box only.
excellent plus or nicer. scarce. 49.50
AIRFIX Sci-Fi Kits
09170-5. APOLLO SATURN V Rocket. 1:144. 1970's. molded
in white. some minor painting. some
assembly. box is
excellent. 49.00
AMT Space Kits.
S921-200. Star Trek
U.S.S. ENTERPRISE with electric lights. 1:635 scale. 1966.
This is the very first version in the LARGER vertical artwork box. Kit is
complete but parts have
been glued together and taken apart. some sloppy seams and glue marks.
decal sheet has not been used. Includes instructions. this will take
a skilled modeler to clean up. BUT; the real rarity is the box variation.
No split corners. Light crease and overall normal wear. box is very
good. sorry sold
S950. Star Trek U.S.S.
ENTERPRISE COMMAND BRIDGE. includes figures of Kirk; Spock and Sulu.
1975 issue. box side offers the Jacket premium. complete. decals
mint. the 3 sections of deck pieces (floor) have been assembled.
minor paint. box is very good plus. 50.00
S950. Star Trek U.S.S.
ENTERPRISE COMMAND BRIDGE. includes figures of Kirk; Spock and Sulu.
1975 issue. box side offers the Jacket premium. mint/factory
sealed. box is very lightly bowed. 150.00
S951. Star Trek U.S.S.
ENTERPRISE. 1:635. dated 1968. but issued approx.
1974. molded in grayish blue. Decal sheet includes names and numbers for all the vessels. so you
can do Yorktown. Enterprise. Kongo. Exeter. Valiant.
Hood. Potemkin. Constellation. Farragut. Excalibur.
Intrepid. Republic. Constitution or
Lexington. Box side DOES NOT offer the premium jacket. parts
loose; but mint and complete. box very good plus. SCARCE
version. 189.00
S951 Star Trek U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. dated 1968. but issued approx.
1974. Decal sheet includes names and numbers for all the vessels. so you
can do Yorktown. Enterprise. Kongo. Exeter. Valiant.
Hood. Potemkin. Constellation. Farragut. Excalibur.
Intrepid. Republic. Constitution or
Lexington. Box side offers premium jacket. the other side panel pictures
SPOCK and KIRK. parts mint/factory sealed. box near mint.
S951. Star Trek U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. dated 1968. but issued approx.
1974. Decal sheet includes names and numbers for all the vessels. so you
can do Yorktown. Enterprise. Kongo. Exeter. Valiant.
Hood. Potemkin. Constellation. Farragut. Excalibur.
Intrepid. Republic. Constitution or
Lexington. Box side offers premium jacket. the other side panel pictures
SPOCK and KIRK. parts mint and factory sealed. box displays very
nicely but original owner put clear scotch tape along the bottome edge.
box very good or nicer. 147.50
S951 Star Trek U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. dated 1968. but issued approx.
1974. Decal sheet includes names and numbers for all the vessels. so you
can do Yorktown. Enterprise. Kongo. Exeter. Valiant.
Hood. Potemkin. Constellation. Farragut. Excalibur.
Intrepid. Republic. Constitution or
Lexington. Box side offers premium jacket. the other side panel pictures
SPOCK and KIRK. parts mint. box exc. 139.50
S951 Star Trek U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. dated 1968. but issued approx.
1974. Box side offers premium jacket. the other side panel pictures
SPOCK and KIRK. MISSING the decal sheet. Kit is complete; but
someone assembled the pieces without glue; using scotch tape. The old tape
has discolored the plastic and turned it yellow where it was attached. It
might polish out or be removed with bleach. Should be no problem if you
intend to paint the kit. parts complete and excellent. box
very good or better. 100.00
S952. Star Trek KLINGON BATTLE CRUISER. dated 1968. molded in
dark khaki green. some assembly (neatly done). Vertical box
art. box is very good to excellent. 59.50
S952 Star Trek KLINGON BATTLE CRUISER. dated 1968. copyrighted
Paramount. Parts are mint & factory sealed. Vertical box art.
instructions are xerox copy. box excellent. 89.50
S952 Star Trek KLINGON BATTLE CRUISER. dated 1968. copyrighted
Paramount. Parts are mint & factory sealed. Vertical box art. Box is near mint
w/minor crease on side panel 120.00
S955 APOLLO SPACECRAFT & L.E.M. 1/200. Late 60's mt . 25.00
S957. Star Trek ROMULAN BIRD OF PREY. Vertical box art. 1:625. 1976. parts are
mint & factory sealed.
Box is exc (side perforation on one corner has separated). 150.00
S958 Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise EXPLORATION
SET. Phaser; Communicator and Tricorder. 1974. parts off
trees. parts are complete and mint. box very good.
scarce. 139.50
S959 Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise GALILEO
7 SHUTTLECRAFT. 1974. vertical box style. please note that
it is MISSING one of the exhaust caps. other parts mint; not on
trees. box very good. scarce. 65.00
S972 Star Trek The Motion Picture VULCAN SHUTTLE. detachable shuttle
module; rainbow-effect decals; over 10" long; display stand. 1979
(AMT-Matchbox). parts mint & factory sealed. box
excellent. 89.50
AMT-ERTL Sci-Fi Kits
6326 Star Trek FIRST CONTACT - U.S.S. ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-E. 1997.
1:1400. very HARD and desireable kit. parts mint/some off
trees. Box excellent or nicer. 175.00
6618 STAR TREK - 3 piece U.S.S. ENTERPRISE SET. Original TV Version;
the Movie version and the Next Generation version. 1988. 1:2500
scale. parts mint. box excellent. 28.50
6618 STAR TREK - 3 piece U.S.S. ENTERPRISE SET. Original TV Version;
the Movie version and the Next Generation version. 1988. 1:2500
scale. mint/factory sealed. 32.50
Trek The Next Generation. 1988. over 18" long. 2 display
stands included. mint and factory sealed.
6675 STAR TREK III - U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. 1984. 22"
long. display stand included. superior detailing. parts mint and
factory sealed. box excellent pus. 79.50
6676 Star Trek U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. 1983. FIRST reissue (in the
blue and white box) of the rare first Star Trek kit. Parts mint and
factory sealed. Box near mint. 50.00
mint. box excellent.
6693-10DO. STAR TREK IV The Voyage Home U.S.S. ENTERPRISE.
1:535. over 22" long. 1986. parts are mint and factory
sealed. box is very good. 59.50
14". display stand included. Parts mint and factory
sealed. Box excellent. 48.50
6858. STAR TREK 3
Piece Adversary Set. contains 3 kits: Ferengi Marauder; Klingon Bird
of Prey; Romulan Warbird. 1989. mint and factory sealed.
sorry sold
6876. Star Trek V "The Final Frontier". U.S.S. ENTERPRISE
AND SHUTTLECRAFT. 1989. over 22" long. includes display
stand. parts mint & factory sealed. box excellent. sorry sold
8766. Star Trek U.S.S. RELIANT. 1:650. 1995. over 20"
long. mint and factory sealed. sorry sold
8780. Star Wars Limited Edition B-WING FIGHTER gold tone finish.
1995. Parts mint. box excellent but has minor scuffs on box
top. 35.00
AURORA Space related Model Kits.
original issue. assembled with box (email or CALL for details) 1000.00
ORION from "2001: A Space Odyssey" in PAN AM Livery. 1:144 scale.
(14.5" long. 7" wingspan). 1975. scarce futuristic airliner of from
the famous movie. molded in white. full color PAN AM decals;
clear windshield; clear landing lights; clear windows; removable rear fuselage
and fully detailed reactor. parts are mint on sprues. original owner
taped the bottom edges otherwise box is near mint.
sorry sold
1/60 scale. 2 pieces
have been assembled & 1 part has been painted silver (it’s supposed to be
silver). Otherwise parts mt boxtop has very faint stain the size of 1/2 dollar to the
right (does not affect the main artwork). 185.00
this is the BOX TOP only. no kit; no instructions. no split corners;
strong colors. inside has paint stains. great for display; great to
upgrade yours. BOX TOP only. very good plus to excellent.
"The Invaders". From the 1967 Quinn Martin TV show. 1975
issue. Complete with Alien Terrain base. Saucer measures 7"
diameter. parts mint. box near mint. Scarce kit. 139.50
"The Invaders". From the 1967 Quinn Martin TV show. 1975
issue. Complete with Alien Terrain base. Saucer measures 7"
diameter. parts mint. box mint. Scarce kit. 150.00
418-100. THE ROBOT from LOST IN SPACE.
Original 1968 issue model kit.
it has been
neatly assembled. it includes the instruction
sheet and is complete with the base. box
is near mint to mint. 895.00
707-98 THE SEAVIEW SUB from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea TV Show.
1:316. 1966. Original issue in the larger 16" long box.
Partially assembled and painted. Very well done. Kit is complete;
includes instruction sheet. Box is lightly sun faded; but overall
excellent. Rare kit. 235.00
817 - THE FLYING SUB from the TV show "Voyage to the Bottom of the
Sea". Original 1968 release. 1/60 scale. Assembled.
Missing upper right 1/2 of body. and missing the support arm of the display
base. NO decal for base. NO instructions. Includes box which
is excellent. 150.00
COUPE. 1968 original issue. molded in yellow. includes
display base and figures of Dick Tracy; Junior Trace; Moon Made and Diet
Smith. parts are mint; most off the
trees. complete with instructions. the box is intact but is sun
faded. scarce kit. 150.00
COUPE. 1968 original issue. molded in yellow. includes display
base and figures of Dick Tracy; Junior Trace; Moon Made and Diet Smith. parts are
mint but many are off the sprues. complete with instructions. box is
near mint to mint and still has the original cellophane attached to top.
BANDAI Sci-Fi model kits
36011-500. SFX SF Space War "Laser Fighter" ROCKET SHIP with
WINDUP motor. Very cool looking - might be Anime. from the 1978
Japanese movie "MESSAGE FROM SPACE". box is 10.5" by 7.5".
parts mint & factory sealed. box near mint to mint. sorry sold
38602-500 Gerry Anderson
THUNDERBIRD 2. Japanese. MIB 75.00
Real Hobby Series #4. THE GIANT MAJIN. Based on the old
Golem myth. but this is a Japanese Feudal statue that comes to life. The kit is from
1983. the American 1966 film was titled MAJIN. MONSTER OF TERROR. Parts are mint and
factory sealed. Box is vg/exc. slightly squished in. Scarce kit!
8658-400 "FAIYAMAN
MARINGON" Super Jet Fighter - futuristic. the shape resembles RAF
Gloster Meteor. windup motor so that finished model will roll on its
wheels. VERY cool looking. Japanese issue only. Old
logo. 1960's vintage I believe. parts mint and factory sealed.
box excellent to near mint. 99.50
THUNDERBIRD 3 from the THUNDERBIDS Movie. 1:450. 2004.
parts mint and factory sealed. box near mint to mint. sorry sold
0508017-2500 ROCK'N ROBO
Robot. Tectron Sensor Robo Jr. No.1. Has that "Robby -
Planet Robot" look. includes battery operated electric motor and electronic
circuit board. comes with cardboard signs that he can hold; one is STOP/GO
and the other says I AM ROCK'N ROBO/I LOVE ROCK'N ROLL. When model senses
"light" he will move and dance around. he will stop when it is
dark. box size about 9.5" x 7.5". when built he is about 6"
tall. parts are mint and factory sealed. his cardboard signs have
some age spotting. box is near mint. 95.00
COMET Missile Kits
launching Stand. Complete but assembled. Very neatly done; some
paint and paint preparation - NOT bad. Includes instructions. Decal
sheet cut apart but they are include and have not been applied. Colorful
box is excellent or nicer. Rare kit from the late 1950's. sorry sold
CROWN Sci-Fi kits from Japan
see the RAYGUN kit listed at bottom of page under WEAPONRY
- X SPACE FIGHTER. designed to be motorized; although no electric
motor is included. Although no credit is giving this is the same as Star
Wars X Fighter design. Note on box top it even has Death Star in
scene. Model can fire missiles; deploy x-wing & launch forward
cockpit nose part. circa 1976. Japanese issue only; not exported to
the U.S. Rare Sci-Fi kit. parts mint and factory sealed. box
excellent. 75.00
DRAGON Space Kits
11001. APOLLO 11 "Lunar Approach" CSM "Columbia and LM
Eagle". 1:72. 2011. kit contains over 120 parts.
mint and factory sealed. 69.50
11002. APOLLO 11 "Lunar Landing" CSM "Columbia and LM
Eagle" and Astronauts. 1:72. 2011. kit contains over 120
parts. mint and factory sealed. 69.50
ENTEX Space Kits
8428 COMET FIRE from
"Message From Space" Science Fiction movie; copyright Toei. 1:48
scale. 1978 - original first issue. (there were 3 kits
in the series). parts have been snapped together; no
glue used. comes apart easily. mint sticker sheet. complete
with instructions. box near mint. scarce! 30.00
ENTERPRISE with 2 Rockets and Launching Platform. 1:144. minor
assembly to fuselage. other parts mint with many off the sprues. box
is rough. large. 25.00
ESTES Flying Rocket Models
(wood; vacuform and injection molded plastics)
1490 Star Wars X-WING "STARTER SET".10.9" rocket; electron beam; electrical launch
controller; Porta-Pad II Launch Pad; 2 Model Rocket Engines; recovery wadding;
instructions; booklet; cardboard carry case;
etc. 1996. Parts mint. box worn. 27.50
GLENCOE Science Fiction model kits
RETRIEVER ROCKET. 1:72. 1993. mint and factory sealed. sorry sold
1:96. 1993. mint and factory sealed. sorry sold
05103. JUPITER C Rocket. 1:48. 1990. mint and factory
sealed. 16.50
05908. 3 STAGE
FERRY ROCKET. 1:288. 1993 issue of the Werner Von Braun designed
rocket from the Walt Disney 'Man in Space' series. ex-Strombecker.
parts mint and factory sealed. box near mint. sorry sold
06901. EXPLORER I Rocket. 1:6 scale. 2008 50th Anniversary
Limited Edition. "America's First Successful Satellite". mint in
factory sealed box. sorry sold
GRIP - EIDAI Science Fiction kits
from Japan
807-400 TONDERU (I believe that translates as
/ groovy / flipped out). Tubular shaped rocket is battery operated - motor
is included. Has flying disc that can be launched; and they really
fly. Neat full color illustrated box. parts molded in
different colors. 1970's vintage. I estimate the space ship to be
about 5.5" long when assembled. parts mint & factory
sealed. box does show shelf wear; but displays okay. box is very
good. scarce! 99.50
GUNZE SANGYO Science Fiction model kits
from Japan
G-603 OCHAME YUKARI "pull-back"
windup ROBOT. can be posed. built-in motor. Gunze Chibi Robo Series
#3. 1985 issue. Japanese market only. white box. MINT 85.00
"pull-back" windup ROBOT. can be posed. built-in motor.
Gunze Chibi Robo Series #4. 1985 issue. Japanese market only.
white box. MINT 85.00
G-929:100 GANBARI KENTA ROBOT. can be posed.
Gunze Chibi Robo Series #1. 1985 issue. Japanese market only.
red box. mint/factory sealed. 45.00
G-930:100 HYOKIN DAISUKE ROBOT. can be posed.
Gunze Chibi Robo Series #2. 1985 issue. Japanese market only.
red box. mint/factory sealed. 45.00
G-932:100 WANAPAKU SHINICHI ROBOT. can be posed. Gunze Chibi Robo Series #4. 1985 issue. Japanese market only.
red box. mint/factory sealed. 45.00
HASEGAWA Space Kits.
NASA SPACE SHUTTLE ORBITER with boosters and launching mount.
1:200. "Space Science Series". original 1994 issue.
includes display stand. parts are mint and factory sealed with many
parts still on sprues. box is very good or better. 65.00
HAWK Space Kits.
552-130. JUPITER-C Explorer Satellite Launch
Vehicle. 1:48 scale.
1966. complete with launch stand which rotates 360 degrees;
satellite; ground crew and colorful decal. molded in white. The
rocket fins and some of
the pieces of the launch stand have been painted green. other parts are
mint but some are off the trees. box is excellent to near mint.
552-130. JUPITER-C Explorer Satellite Launch
Vehicle. 1:48 scale.
1966. complete with launch stand which rotates 360 degrees;
satellite; ground crew and colorful decal. molded in white. this kit
still had factory cellophane on it when we obtained it. cellophane was
falling apart so we removed it. boxtop is slowed bowed inwards.
parts are mint on trees. box is near mint to mint. bright and
shining. 95.00
IMAI Sci-Fi Kits from Japan
B-091-700. LADY PENELOPE'S FAB I (custom 6 wheel Rolls Royce)
from Gerry Anderson's THUNDERBIRD puppet animation TV Series; 1960's
issue. designed for electric motor; but motor is not included.
Molded in hot pink; but painted rich metallic blue like the boxtop
artwork. 95% assembled.
Complete; no damage. approx. 1:32
scale. Box is excellent. 69.50
B-1827-1500. THUNDERBIRD X CAR EXCAVATOR. from Gerry Anderson's THUNDERBIRD puppet animation TV
Series. 1992. parts mint & factory
sealed. box excellent. 35.00
B-2015-3000. CAPTAIN
SCARLET A-42 HELICOPTER. battery operated. early 1980's.
from the Gerry Anderson puppet animation TV Series of the same name. parts
are mint and factory sealed. box excellent to near mint. Japanese
issue. rare. 65.00
KSN MIDORI Sci-Fi Kits from Japan
500-079 STINGRAY Submarine from the Gerry Anderson puppet
animation TV Series STINGRAY. 1960's issue includes electric motor. 95% assembled - neatly done. Very rare kit. Kit is complete.
LINDBERG Space & Sci-Fi kits
1147. STAR PROBE SPACE SHUTTLE. 1976. Complete. unassembled.
most parts on trees. 1/70. NOTE: the display base has a crack in it. Box is worn and
creased. about
vg. 40.00
1147. STAR PROBE SPACE SHUTTLE. 1976. 1:96. mint/factory
sealed. 49.00
77312 ALIEN EXOSKELETON from Independence Day Movie. 1996.
10" tall figure. mint/factory sealed. box slightly dented and
cello torn. 11.00
mint and factory sealed. sorry sold
91006. AREA 51 UFO Flying Saucer.
1:48. 2007. large. parts mint and factory sealed. box is
shelf worn. 65.00
MOEBIUS Space & Sci-Fi kits
2001-2. SPACE CLIPPER with TWA. 2011. parts mint and
factory sealed. box very good. 20.00
MONOGRAM Space Kits.
PD27-98 box only. Northrop
SNARK SM-62 GUIDED MISSILE. 1:80. 1957. no model kit. box
only. box has edge wear; corners intact. very good or nicer.
scarce! 45.00
* PS44:129. Willy Ley's TV ORBITER Rocketship. 1959.
1:96. original issue.
mint and
factory sealed. mouse
chew on bottom of one panel. cellophane is damaged. 135.00
PS44:129. Willy Ley's TV ORBITER Rocketship. 1959.
1:96. original issue. mint and factory sealed. box dented in
bottom right corner. displays beautifully. sorry sold
PS193:600. APOLLO-SATURN Moon Rocket w/Lunar
Module. 1/144 scale. issued in 1968. Builds model
over 30" tall. all stages separate. most parts still
attached to the trees. parts are mint. box is worn but
intact. 119.50
Willy Ley's THE SPACE TAXI. 1996 issue of the rare 1950's kit.
includes four space figures; terrestial globe mounting and base. mint and
factory sealed. sorry sold
1014. SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER. 1:200. 1983.
Snap-Tite. E.S.A. Space Lab; Satellite Maintenance Module. Includes
decals of Challenger; Enterprise; Columbia; Discovery and Atlantis. parts
mint & factory sealed. box near mint. 25.00
1110 NASA SPACE SHUTTLE. 1:200. 1984.
"Snap-Tite" Desk Top series. includes 2 astronauts; payload;
display stand and decals for 5 versions. Mint/factory sealed. 18.00
5905 NASA SPACE SHUTTLE. 1:200. 1995. Snap-Tite. decals for Challenger;
Enterprise; Columbia; Discovery
and Atlantis. parts mint. box has split corner. box very good
plus. 15.00
5905 NASA SPACE SHUTTLE. 1:200. 1986. Young Astronauts
Series. Snap-Tite. decals for Challenger; Enterprise; Columbia; Discovery
and Atlantis. parts mint and factory sealed. box near mint. 20.00
6011. FLYING SUB from "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".
1:60. box dated 1964 although I believe that the Monogram issued came out
in the early 1970's as a reissue of the rare Aurora kit. molded in
yellow/gray/and clear. parts are mint & factory sealed. box has
rips on top side panel. box is very good. displays nicely.
6026. CYLON RAIDER from "Battlestar Galactica" TV show.
1978. original issue. molded in gray. parts mint with most
parts on tress. box is shelf worn. 48.00
6027. Battlestar Galactica COLONIAL VIPER from the TV Show. 1978.
original issue. molded in gray. parts mint attached to trees.
box is shelf worn and very good. SCARCE!
sorry sold
6027 Battlestar Galactica COLONIAL VIPER from the TV Show.
1978. original issue. molded in gray. parts mint but not attached to trees.
box excellent. SCARCE! 49.50
MPC Sci-Fi kits
1-1902. SPACE:1999 "The Alien" 1/25 scale kit of a 4 wheeled alien space
vehicle with figure of Alien Spaceman. Box lid has color photos from the TV show.
1975. Parts mint
box is vg+/ex. 79.50
1-1903 SPACE:1999 ALPHA MOONBASE Diorama with 18" by 12" base.
1/200 scale. 1976 issue. Parts mint and sealed. box is missing both short
side end panels. Otherwise. boxtop is nice enough for display.
1-1903 SPACE:1999 ALPHA MOONBASE Diorama with 18" by 12" base.
1/200 scale. 1976 issue. Parts mint and sealed. box is complete but very
worn. heavily creased. 89.50
model changes from Beam Rider to Battle Stalker. parts mint & factory
sealed. Box has the "Golden Opportunity" coupon removed from
side panel. 20.00
MPC model kits from the STAR WARS movies
ROTJ is Return of the Jedi box; ESB is Empire Strikes Back
1-1903 Star Wars AT-ST "Structors Action Walker"
Series. Motorized windup. 1984. mint/factory
sealed. 45.00
1-1912 Star Wars R2D2
Robot. Original issue in the large box. Complete; but parts off
trees and has been started; missing original instructions - but xeroxed ones are
included. Box is very good to excellent. Actual size is 6"
tall. 1:10 scale. 1977. 35.00
1-1912 Star Wars R2D2
Robot. Original issue in the large box. Complete; but parts off
trees and has been started. Box is intact but has paintbrush
"spatter". Actual size is 6"
tall. 1:10 scale. 1977. 30.00
1-1913 Star Wars C-3PO (see-threepio)
the robot. Original issue in the LARGE box.. 10" tall. 1977.
1:10 scale. molded
in golden bronze color. parts mint. box has edge wear. very good. 42.00
1-1913 Star Wars C-3PO
the robot. Original issue in the LARGE box.. 10" tall. 1977. 1:10
scale. molded
in golden bronze color. parts mint & complete; but have been
opened. box is only good to very good and has some sun fading. 39.50
1-1914 Star Wars Luke Skywalker's X-WING
FIGHTER. original 1978 issue in the LARGER box style. 1:48 scale. parts mint and factory sealed. box is
rough; rating good to
very good. 39.50
1-1914 Star Wars Luke Skywalker's X-WING
FIGHTER. original 1978
issue in the LARGER box style. 1:48 scale. parts mint. box
very good plus. 47.00
1-1914 Star Wars Luke Skywalker's X-WING
FIGHTER. original 1978
issue in the smaller box style. 1:48 scale. decals are
crazed. parts mint. box
very good plus. 42.00
1-1915 Star Wars Darth Vader's TIE FIGHTER. 1978. Smaller 8" by
14" box. include pilot figure of DARTH VADER. parts mint
and on trees. box excellent plus. 32.50
1-1916 Star Wars DARTH VADER. 1977. 1:10 scale. 11.5" tall figure w/glow in the dark light saber.
mint/factory sealed. Has a hole chewed into the bottom end panel.
Displays as mint. 60.00
1-1916 Star Wars DARTH VADER. 1977. 1:10 scale. 11.5" tall figure w/glow in the dark light saber.
mint/factory sealed - corner of top end panel has been
"chewed". Does not affect the display or parts. 60.00
1-1916 Star Wars DARTH VADER. 1977. 1:10 scale. 11.5" tall figure w/glow in the dark light saber. Parts
& factory sealed. box near mint. 65.00
1-1916 Star Wars DARTH VADER. 1977. 1:10 scale. 11.5" tall figure w/glow in the dark light saber.
Box has EMPIRE STRIKES BACK sticker on the front. Parts
& factory sealed. box near mint. 65.00
1-1917. ESB Luke Skywalker's SNOWSPEEDER. 1980. 1:35
scale. parts mint. box is very good to excellent. 40.00
1-1917 ESB Luke Skywalker's SNOWSPEEDER. 1980. 1:35
scale. parts mint & factory sealed. box is exc.
1-1918. ESB AT-AT All Terrain Armoured Transport. molded in
gray. 1981 issue. mint in factory sealed box. cello wrap is
tearing and box is slightly dented. 32.50
1-1919. ESB Boba
Fett's SLAVE I space ship. molded in gray. 1982. parts are
mint and factory sealed. box is shelf worn but still intact.
sorry sold
TYDIRIUM. 1983 issue. 1:100 scale. large box. Parts mint
and factory sealed - box has mildew spotting and the "Golden Opportunity"
coupon has been cut away from the side panel.. 70.00
TYDIRIUM. 1983 issue. 1:100 scale. large box. Parts mint
and factory sealed - box excellent - but the "Golden Opportunity"
coupon has been cut away from the side panel.. 75.00
TYDIRIUM. 1983 issue. 1:100 scale. large box.
mint/factory sealed - some tears in shrink wrap. 85.00
1-1921 Star Wars DARTH VADER Snap
Together kit of his head w/illuminated eyes & rasping sound. 1:2
scale. Almost 11" tall when
assembled. Parts mint & factory sealed. Box faded .
1-1921 Star Wars DARTH VADER Snap
Together kit of his head w/illuminated eyes & rasping sound. 1:2
scale. Almost 11" tall when
assembled. mint/factory sealed. 125.00
scale. large
box. parts are mint; but have been snapped together. No glue; no
paint. MISSING the tiny cooking pot (minor). box is very good at
best. 40.00
scale. large
box. parts are mint box is very good plus to excellent. 65.00
scale. large
box. mint/factory sealed but tear in shrinkwrap. 72.00
scale. large
box. mint/factory sealed. 75.00
1-1924. ESB REBEL BASE. 1982. preformed 12" by 18"
base. includes figures; space ships; etc. "Snap
Kit". 2 largest ships assembled (no glue used). many parts are
loose. we have NOT done a piece by piece inventory but it does appear to
be complete. box is very good. 20.00
1-1927 ROTJ SPEEDER BIKE. 1983 issue. 1:10
scale. parts mint & factory sealed. there is a hole in boxtop. 25.00
1-1927 ROTJ SPEEDER BIKE. 1983 issue. 1:10
scale. mint/factory sealed. 35.00
1-1928 ROTJ JABBA THE HUTT THRONE ROOM. 1983 issue. large box. 1:60
scale. Action scene is 18" by 12". small tear in vacuform base. some of
the figures have been painted. MISSING Jabba figure. box worn.
as-is. 15.00
ROOM. 1983 issue. large box. 1:60
scale. Action scene is 18" by 12". parts mint but missing tiny
microphone - does not affect construction. box has a rip; overall good to
vg. 45.00
ROOM. 1983 issue. 1:60
scale. large
box. Action scene is 18" by
12". mint factory sealed but cellophane wrap is torn and in rough shape;
although box is great. 65.00
ROOM. 1983 issue. 1:60
scale. large
box. Action scene is 18" by
12". mint factory sealed - tear in cello wrap. 75.00
ROOM. 1983 issue. 1:60
scale. large
box. Action scene is 18" by
12". mint factory sealed. 79.50
1-1935 ROTJ C-3PO Robot.
1983 issue. mint/factory sealed. 35.00
1-1971 ROTJ X-WING FIGHTER . 1983 issue. 1:48 scale.
mint/factory sealed. 35.00
1-1971 ROTJ X-WING FIGHTER . 1983 issue. 1:48 scale. mint; but opened. 29.50
1-1972 ROTJ TIE
INTERCEPTOR. 1983 issue. 1:48 scale.
mint/factory sealed. 35.00
1-1974. ROTJ B-WING FIGHTER. 1983 issue. 1:144
scale. parts are mint and on the trees. box very good to
excellent. 25.00
1-1975. ROTJ Y-WING
FIGHTER. 1983 issue. 7" long.. mint/factory sealed. 35.00
4-1101 ROTJ X-WING FIGHTER. "Mirr-A-Kits" series. 1984.
a bit
over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount. snap kit. Unusual
kit. hard to find. "Golden Opportunity" coupon removed from side panel; otherwise mint & factory sealed. 15.00
4-1101 ROTJ X-WING FIGHTER. "Mirr-A-Kits" series. 1984. a
bit over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount. snap kit.
Unusual kit. hard to find. mint/factory sealed. 16.50
4-1102 ROTJ TIE INTERCEPTOR. "Mirr-A-Kits" series. 1984. a
bit over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount. snap kit.
Unusual kit. hard to find. mint/factory sealed. 16.50
4-1103 ROTJ SHUTTLE DYDIRIUM. "Mirr-A-Kits" series. 1984. a
bit over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount. snap kit.
Unusual kit. hard to find. parts are loose off the trees but mint
and complete. box is rough. 12.00
4-1104 ROTJ Y-WING FIGHTER. "Mirr-A-Kits" series.
1984. a bit over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount.
snap kit.
Unusual kit. hard to find. mint/factory sealed. 16.50
4-1105 ROTJ AT-ST. "Mirr-A-Kits" series. 1984. a
bit over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount. snap kit.
Unusual kit. hard to find. mint/factory sealed. 16.50
4-1106 ROTJ SPEEDER BIKE. "Mirr-A-Kits" series. 1984.
bit over 3" long. comes with mirrored wall mount. snap kit.
Unusual kit. hard to find. mint/factory sealed. 16.50
MPC-ERTL model kits from STAR WARS Movies
8914. ESB Luke Skywalker's SNOWSPEEDER.
1989. Box top has the Silver "Commemorative Edition" sticker.
mint/factory sealed. sorry sold
molded in light gray. includes display stand. parts mint and factory
sealed. box very good plus. 22.50
NITTO KAGAKU sci-fi kits from Japan
25137-600 Game Robo SLOPPY.
not quite 5" tall. early 1980's vintage. SLOT MACHINE
ROBOT. When you push down on his arm (like are a real slot machine)
the numbers in chest roll over - when you push down on the other arm; he
stops. if you get "777" his head jumps off! Had clockwork
"pullback" motor. very scarce and unusual kit. parts mint
and factory sealed. box near mint. 55.00
POLAR LIGHTS (Playing Mantis) sci-fi
5033. JUPITER 2 from "Lost in Space". 1998.
large and heavy. parts mint and factory sealed. box is shelf worn.
4097. DICK TRACY SPACE COUPE. 2000. reissue of rare
1960's Aurora kit. parts are mint and factory sealed. box is near
mint. sorry sold
DICK TRACY SPACE COUPE. 2000. reissue of rare 1960's Aurora kit.
mint and factory sealed. 18.50
SUBMARINE from "Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea" TV series.
2001. molded in black. parts mint on sprues. small parts
factory sealed. box top creased. sorry
"Spindrift" LAND OF THE GIANTS SPACESHIP from the TV Series. 2002.
parts mint and factory sealed. boxtop still has original cellophane on it.
box is near mint plus to mint. 59.50
REVELL Rockets & Space kits
ENTERPRISE SPACE SHUTTLE AND 747. 1:144. 1977. molded in
white. includes display stand. decals mint. space
shuttle has minor paint and has been neatly assembled.
other parts mint. box is rough. large. 24.00
original issue. most parts factory sealed. parts mint with most
attached to trees. box is a bit shelf worn but is still very good to
excellent. over 17" tall. mobile launch pad base holds vehicle
upright. 55.00
H-198:89 box only NORTH AMERICAN
X-15. "S" kit. 1958
issue. NO KIT. this is the box only. Small surface tear on box
top that extends to side panel. Part of the "5" in X-15 has been
touched up. 15.00
H-200 ENTERPRISE & SPACE LAB. "The World's First Reusable Orbital
System!" 1/144. 1978 issue. mint/factory sealed.
H-1800:198. XSL-01 MANNED SPACE
SHIP. "3 Stage Rocket to the
Moon". NO MODEL KIT. this is the empty box only for this very rare
kit. 1957 "S" kit. no split corner. Stain in lower third of
box. Minor mildew damage to lower right corner. overall; displays
okay. very good plus or better. sorry sold
H-1800 APOLLO-SOYUZ U.S. - Soviet Space link up. 1:96.
1975. mint/factory sealed. box is a bit bowed in. 89.50
H1800. APOLLO-SOYUZ U.S. - Soviet Space link
up. 1:96.
1975. Model Builders Club of America. molded in white. parts
are mint/factory sealed. box is excellent. 75.00
Rocket. Surface to Surface Ballistic
Missile. 1:110. NO MODEL KIT. this is the empty box
& illustrated instruction sheet only; for this early & scarce
"S" Series kit. original 1958 issue. near mint.
H1801:89. Northrop SNARK
SM-62 Intercontinental Guided Missile. 1:81. 1957.
original "S" Series. great box art. includes
launch platform and figures. missing decals and instructions. thrusters
have been painted white. fuselage halves glued together. appears
to be complete. box is excellent to near mint. 42.50
* H-1806:149. box only.
BOEING 1M-99 BOMARC Ground to Air Missile. "S" Series 1957 issue.
no kit. empty box only. box displays okay but there is price tag
surface tear in upper right corner and there is hole in the center far
right. 25.00
H-1814:98 Aerojet-General
AEROBEE HI. Record Breaking Research Rocket. approx. 1:40
scale. 1958. "S" Kit. ORIGINAL issue.
Movable firing arm with piston and cylinder action; movable wheels; tow bar;
wheel assembly; life like crew figures. most parts still attached to
the trees. parts mint. box near mint. early and scarce
kit. 139.50
H-1815:79 Chance Vought REGULUS II U.S. Navy Test Missile.
1:68. 1958 "S" kit. molded in rich dark blue. most
parts still attached to trees. Boxtop has small surface tear in far upper
right corner from old price tag removal. parts mint. box excellent
plus or nicer. 75.00
"S" kit. original issue. molded in green. parts mint
on tress. decals intact but show age. box is presentable but there
is light moisture stain to the far right and the right side panel has moisture
damage. very scarce! 135.00
IS "GO" Mercury Capsule and Atlas Booster. Historic
Friendship 7 capsule with launching base; ramp; pad; tractor transports;
nitrogen trailer. includes illustrated booklet and flight log of Col.
Glenn's voyage through space. parts are mint and factory
sealed. box has split corner and tape repair. displays okay.
America's First Manned Satellite and GEMINI America's First Two-Man Space
Capsule. 1:48. 1964 original issue. mint and factory
sealed. box dented. 99.00
1969. Builds 6" tall astronaut that appears to be floating
from the Gemini Capsule.
Partially assembled (face painted flesh) missing the decal sheet. Hard to find
version! ex/nm box. 45.00
4306. James
Bond 007 MOONRAKER SPACE SHUTTLE from the movie. 1:144 scale. 1979.
molded in white.
color photo of Roger Moore on boxtop. parts mint on sprues. box
excellent plus. 45.00
4306. James Bond 007 MOONRAKER SPACE
SHUTTLE from the movie. color photo of Roger Moore on boxtop. 1979.
1/144 scale. mint/factory sealed. Box is bit pushed in & cellophane
is torn. 47.50
4527 SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER and 747. includes decals for Enterprise.
Columbia. Challenger. Discovery and Atlantis. 1/288 scale. dated 1982. Box a
bit squished on edge. but factory sealed. 35.00
4528 CHALLENGER & BOOSTER ROCKETS "includes Enterprise Columbia
Challenger Discovery and Atlantis decals". 1/288 scale. 1982.
opened. parts mint. box excellent plus. 22.00
4528 CHALLENGER & BOOSTER ROCKETS "includes Enterprise Columbia
Challenger Discovery and Atlantis decals". 1/288 scale. 1982.
Mint. factory sealed. 25.00
SHUTTLE. 1:144. 1980's. Skill Level 2 -
over 50 pieces. molded in white. most parts still attached to the
trees. the box is dented and shows shelf wear. 17.00
LAB. 1:144. 1981. Includes space shuttle; clear windshield and view
ports; engraved detail; removable ESA Space
Lab payload; detailed cargo bay with 2 opening cargo bay doors. parts
mint. box shows wear and is very good. 32.00
4717 COLUMBIA AND SPACE LAB. 1:144. 1981. Includes space shuttle; clear windshield and view
ports; engraved detail; removable ESA Space
Lab payload; detailed cargo bay with 2 opening cargo bay doors. parts
mint. box excellent. 39.00
4733. DISCOVERY SHUTTLE ORBITER. 1:72. 1988. molded in
white. very large. 13" wingspan; engraved tile detail; movable
rudder; movable "Beaver Tail" flap; movable manipulator arm;
optional position landing gear; opening cargo bay doors. decaling
for: Enterprise; Columbia; Challenger; Discovery; Atlantis. parts are mint
with most on sprues. large. box shows shelf wear but is intact very good.
SNARK SM-62 Intercontinental Guided Missile. 1:96.
1982. "History Makers" Series. parts mint and factory
sealed. box excellent. 38.00
85-1188. SPACE
SHUTTLE. 1:200. 2010. Snap-Tite. molded in
white. parts mint and factory sealed. box very good plus.
85-1850. Star Wars ANAKIN'S JEDI STARFIGHTER. 2012.
Snap-Tite. no painting required - factory pre painted. parts are
mint but many are off the sprues. box worn. 9.50
PERRY RHODAN BLUES SHIP. made by German Revell. parts are mint and
factory sealed. box is poor. 21.00
TESTORS Sci-Fi kits
576. AREA S4 UFO
REVEALED. 1:48. 1994. scale model kit of the alien craft
allegedly hidden in Nevada by the U.S. Government. As described by
eyewitness and former government physicist Bob Lazar. missing instructions
and color booklet. appears to be complete. parts mint. box is
very soiled. sorry sold
UNION Space Kits from Japan
A-15:600. Space Shuttle
CHALLENGER & ROCKET. 1:288. 1980's issue. the box top
reads "A Promising New Era for Earth". parts mint. box is
shelf worn and very good. 59.50
US AIRFIX Space Kits in plastic.
05175-8 ORION 2001 from"2001: A Space Odyssey" MGM
movie. Snap 'n Glue. parts mint and factory sealed. box
vg. boxtop dated 1960 but I believe this is a circa 1980 issue.
fuselage is approx. 13" long. 50.00
70060. ORION:2001 Space Shuttle from the movie "2001:A SPACE ODYSSEY".
1979. parts mint & factory sealed. box has some wear and magic
marker. 95.00
70060. ORION:2001 Space Shuttle from the movie "2001:A SPACE ODYSSEY".
1979. parts mint & factory sealed. box excellent but
dented. 98.50
JAPANESE ANIME. Cartoon. etc. - Model Kits
see the WEAPONS section for SPACE RAYGUNS - click here
AOSHIMA Anime Kits from Japan
AM-05-300. IDEON
ROBOT. 3 Legged robotic creature. 1:610. molded in blue.
parts mint on trees. box near mint. sorry sold
Sphere Body. 1:830 robotic character with SPHERE shaped
body. box is all in Japanese. parts mint. box near mint.
AM-11-300 IDEON ROBOT. 1/1700 Anime Scale. Large 3 legged robotic creature.
almost completely assembled.
neatly done; parts moveable. includes
instructions and paperwork. complete. box near mint.
AS-06. GODAIGER. 1981 in 1/460 Anime
Scale. #22 in the series. Mint. parts sealed. 25.00
#G2. Japanese Anime model kit ZIG
MACK. mint 39.50
Series #11. 1982. 3 Types of car combine into a huge robot.
NTV Trademark.
Mint 30.00
Transformer Series #12. 1982. 3 Types of car combine into a huge robot. NTV
Trademark. Mint 30.00
G5-12. ZERO-SEN YAMATO. #4 in "Red
Hawk" Science Fiction series. 1978. Japanese issue only. designed for electric
motor. Parts are mint and
sealed. Mint 75.00
G5-13. TURBO YAMATO. #5 in
"Red Hawk" Science Fiction series. 1978. Japanese issue
only. designed for
electric motor. Parts are mint and sealed. Mint 75.00
G5-14. EAGLE YAMATO. #6 in "Red
Hawk" Science Fiction series. 1978. Japanese issue only. designed for electric
Parts are mint and sealed. Mint 75.00
G5-TP-05. ROADRANGER Armoured
futuristic vehicle. TECHNOPOLICE 21C Series #5. 1/48 scale.
designed by Tomy. designed
for electric motor. Parts mint & factory sealed. box nm/mint. 50.00
MG-02-500. motorized MASCOT
GIANT with 3 Troll Like characters. includes metal windup
motor for the Giant so he walks. He will be approx. 6" tall when
assembled. parts are mint and factory sealed. box is intact and very
good plus or nicer. scarce older kit.
sorry sold
BASEBALL CATCHER ROBOT. molded in 3 colors of plastic. small
approx. 2" tall when assembled. parts are mint and factory
sealed. box is excellent. older kit. scarce. 25.00
RM-14-80. OFFICE
ROBOT (sorry it's all in Japanese and I do not know the real name). he
is made from office components. feet are legs from desk chair; one side is
tape recorder; front is cell phone; his head is an electric pencil sharpener;
his nose is the pencil; etc. small approx. 2" tall when
assembled. molded in 3 colors. parts are mint and factory
sealed. box is near mint to mint. older kit.
scarce. 22.00
S-01. SINBAD THE SAILOR "Arabian Nights" Anime kit. one in a set of
3. 1971. mint. 65.00
S-02. SINBAD THE SAILOR "In Baghdad" Anime Kit. one in a set of
3. 1971. mint. 65.00
S-03. SINBAD THE SAILOR "And The Whale" Anime Kit. one in a set of
3. 1971. mint. 65.00
MAZDA FC3S RX-7. 1:32. 1990's. "Initial D" Anime
Series. body molded in white. can be motorized. parts mint and
factory sealed. box is mint. 29.00
ARII Japanese Anime Kits from Japan
500-49-C UFO FORT Under Ground Machine Series No.3 FORKMACHINE with base. 2
FORKMACHINEs and catapult. 1970's. mint 95.00
500-52-B UFO FORT Skyturbo Series #2 SKYTURBO
AX-03 with base. 2 jets and catapult. 1970's. mint 95.00
500-52-C UFO FORT Skyturbo Series #3. RX-912
JET with base. 2 JETS and catapult. 1970's. mint 95.00
500-52-D UFO FORT Skyturbo Series #4 CARGO JET FC55 with base. 2 JETS and catapult. 1970's. mint 95.00
500-53-A. GO-GO UFO FORT #5.
JET MACHINE with base. 2 cars and catapult. 1970's. mint. 95.00
500-53-B. GO-GO UFO FORT #6.
JET MACHINE with base. 2 cars and catapult. 1970's. mint. 95.00
500-53-C. GO-GO UFO FORT #7.
MACHINE with base. 2 cars and catapult. 1970's. mint. 95.00
500-53-D. GO-GO UFO FORT #8.
MACHINE with base. 2 cars and catapult. 1970's. mint. 95.00
AR100B. OHNYUDO The Specter.
figure kit
from the "Detazo Obake Series" (translates as "the Specter Appeared").
Kit #2 of set of 4. 1970's. mint
sorry sold
AR100C UMIBOZU The Specter.
figure kit
from the "Detazo Obake Series" (translates as "the Specter Appeared").
Kit #3 of set of 4. 1970's. mint
sorry sold
AR100D KAPPA OBAKE The Specter.
figure kit
from the "Detazo Obake Series" (translates as "the Specter Appeared").
Kit #4 of set of 4. 1970's. mint
sorry sold
AR318-300. Macross MF-1J BATTROID VALKYRIE GERWALK. 1:100.
mint and factory sealed. 18.50
AR556-300. Macross BATTROID VALKYRIE VF-1A . 1:100. box
logo for "Macross '84 Summer". early box style. out of
production. parts mint. box is worn. 16.00
AR601-700. Southern Cross
LANA ISAYA G.M.P. (Grorie Miritally Police). 1:12. includes
white metal detail parts. parts mint & factory sealed. box near
mint. 20.00
AR887-300. Macross FIGHTER VF-1D. 1:100. #11 in series.
mint & factory sealed 15.00
AR-703-600. Galvion METAL BATTLER LAGGDOL. 1:72. #8 in series.
mint & factory sealed 15.00
AR-704-600. Galvion METAL BATTLER BALGUS. 1:72. #11 in series.
mint & factory sealed sorry sold
AR-707-600. Galvion ROAD CHASER ROAD MACHINER. 1:72. #14 in series.
mint & factory sealed 15.00
AR-708-600. Galvion ROAD CHASER CHASER POLICE. 1:72. #23 in series.
mint & factory sealed 15.00
AR JAPAN Anime Kits from Japan
#AR208A Battle Command VULCAN.
The Animage Part 2. kit #1 in the series. 1:76 scale. Early 1980's. Made under
supervision of YOYOGI Animation. planning by NAKAMURA Production. Parts
mint. sealed. Box near mint. 30.00
#AR208C Battle Command DUGURD.
The Animage Part 2. kit #3 in the series. 1:76 scale. Early 1980's. Made under
supervision of YOYOGI Animation. planning by NAKAMURA Production. Parts
mint. sealed. Box near mint. 30.00
#AR208D Battle Command BELGURNO.
The Animage Part 2. kit #4 in the series. 1:76 scale. Early 1980's. Made under
supervision of YOYOGI Animation. planning by NAKAMURA Production. Parts
mint. sealed. Box near mint. 30.00
BANDAI Anime Kits from Japan.
Mini-Collection Series I. 1985. Small scale. approx.
5" long. hull and a few pieces assembled. appears to be
complete. quite a few very tiny pieces. molded in green. box.
excellent. 10.00
36090-100. YAMATO EDF
Patrol Cruiser. Kit #13 in the series. small scale
molded in black. approx. 5" long. includes display stand.
mint in near mint box. 10.00
36342. MY YOUTH IN
ARCADIA Space Ship ENDLESS ORBIT SSX. 1:1000. 1982. molded
in dark green. Captain Harlock series. large space ship with skull
and crossbones logo on nose. parts are mint and factory sealed. box
is near mint to mint. 89.50
36346-500. URUSEI
YATSURA TOKIMEKI LUM CHAN. no scale listed. circa 1981
issue. parts mint & factory sealed. box is excellent.
scarce. 29.00
0001347-2000. FA-78-1
GUNDAM FULL ARMOR TYPE. 1:44. HCM High Complete model.
1980's issue. plastic and diecast. neatly assembled. complete
near mint to mint. early style box with foam inner box. 32.50
BULMA from DRAGONBALL (girl with blue hair in Bunny costume). approx.
1:20. 1986. parts mint & factory sealed. box near
0008709. GUNDAM Robotic figure (name is all in Japanese?). M.S. NORMAL
TYPE. 1:144 scale. assembled. complete with box 15.00
0011657. COSMO ZERO
52 FIGHTER from Star Blazers. approx. 10" long. box dated
1980. parts are mint and factory sealed. box is excellent.
F90. 1:100. 1990. High
Grade. box art by Yuji Kaida. features several interchangeable
weapon systems that can be mounted on the Gundam to make different versions.
mostly assembled. appears to be complete with
instruction booklet.
box excellent. 21.50
0032347-1400. GUNDAM MOBILE SUIT
F91. 1:100. 1991. box
art by Yuji Kaida. parts mint and factory sealed. box is very good
plus. 30.00
0003524:400. Ultraman monster BALTANSEIZIN.
Kit #1 in the series. 1:350 scale. 1983. parts mint and
factory sealed. Box near mint. 40.00
0023522. BIKKURI CHANGE #2 with
friction motor. USHIWAKA a Pegasus Flying horse transforms into USHIWAKA a Monarch.
1988. Japanese issue only. parts mint & sealed. box mint.
0023646. BIKKURI CHANGE #3 with friction
motor. ALIBABA a Pegasus Flying Horse transforms into ALIBABA a Monarch.
1988. Japanese issue only. parts mint and sealed. box mint 35.00
1/60 scale. #4 in series. Assembled beautifully. complete w/instructions and mint box.
0039361. V GUNDAM. B.E.S.P.A.:ZM-S09G. TOMLIAT model kit. 1/144 scale.
#4 in series. Japanese Anime. Parts are mint and
factory sealed. Box itself is near mint. Another great ROBOT item! 1993 issue. 16.00
0061098-500. MAZINGER Z Robot.
1:144. 1983 issue. molded in white. parts mint and factory
sealed. box very good plus. 24.00
0061218. MS-07B3 GOUF CUSTOM. 1:144. 1998. Original
Video Animation Mobile Suit Gundam. complete with
instructions. snap-kit. excellently
assembled. box is excellent plus.
UNKNOWN characters. smaller scale. hard plastic legs and
accessories. soft bendable plastic torso and arms. 3 different came
in each set. this box contains TWO different sets. 6 figures
total. some assembly. 15.00
36223-100. Gundam
AMURO RAY. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box
excellent plus. 9.50
36224-100. Gundam
CHAR AZNABLE. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box
excellent plus. 9.50
36225-100. Gundam
MATILDA AJANE. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box
excellent plus. 9.50
36225-100. Gundam MATILDA AJANE. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint
on trees. Complete. NO BOX. 6.50
36226-100. Gundam SAYLA
MASS. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box is
creased. 9.50
36227-100. Gundam KAI
SHIDEN. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box
excellent plus. 9.50
36228-100. Gundam FRAU
BAW. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box excellent
plus. 9.50
36255-100. Gundam
LALAH STONE. 1:20 scale figure. parts mint on trees. box
excellent plus. 9.50
36244-300. FEDERAL TROOPS MASS PRODUCED MOBILE SUIT BALLS - Gundam. round eyeball like robot with 2 arms and gun on head. 1:144 scale. NOT COMPLETE. does
include instructions and the parts that
are included are mint. 5.00
36264 "CHAR'S
GELGOOG" ZION'S MOBILE SUIT Production Type. large 1/60 scale.
1980's vintage. Parts mint. kit still factory sealed. Very
big. 95.00
dirigible type
spaceship. from Leiji Matsumoto's manga and anime. Has the skull & crossbones logo.
display stand with battery operated
lights. 1/1600 scale. Parts mint and sealed. box nm. 39.00
Character not known- but GUNDAM series I believe. green hair and pink
armor suit. 1987. parts mint & factory sealed. box near
mint. 10.00
0008652-300. Gundam MS-06S ZAKU II. 1:144. 1990's. parts
are mint and factory sealed. box near mint to mint. 7.50
0008660-300. Gundam NAME
UNKNOWN. Mobile Suit. 1:144.
1990's. blue with yellow sword. round shield. wearing a
Knight's suit of armour. parts are mint and factory sealed. box near
mint to mint. 7.50
0008711-500. Gundam. GELGOOG (red). MS-14. 1:144. 1993
issue. parts mint and factory sealed. box near mint to mint.
0008721-500. Gundam. GELGOOG (green). MS-11. 1:144. 1993
issue. parts mint and factory sealed. box near mint to mint.
0027528-700. RICK-DOM II MS-09RII. Mobile Suit Gundam 0080.
1:144. 1989 issue. Original Video Animation. parts are mint and
factory sealed. box near mint to mint. 19.50
0028726-800. Shinohara's AV-98 INGRAM Patrol Labor. Patlabor The
Mobile Police. 1:60. 1998
issue. Television
Series. a few parts still
attached to trees. has rubber parts. neatly assembled. box
excellent plus. 19.00
536239. GUNDAM DIORAMA Type 2 MOBILE SUIT SET 1/250 scale. 2 ROBOTS are
fighting in front of a cave as a third ROBOT is kneeling down w/gun. Beautiful kit
complete w/color backdrop. Can’t tell you much more as box is written in Japanese.
Parts mt/sealed box exc. 28.00
0536332-500. windup DR.
SLUMP ARALE in Robby Robot type Forbidden Planet robot. Rare early 80's made in Japan.
discontinued Robby wind-up with Ultraman MAT Arale figure. Beautiful box art
of ARALE CHAN Penguin village Forbidden Planet. includes windup
motor. when assembled approx. 5" tall. parts are mint &
factory sealed. box has ding along top left edge. great
graphics. 89.50
ULTRAMAN windup snap together kit. Approx. 3" tall white knob windup
walker. Japanese issue. 1990. Mint in factory sealed box.
ULTRAMAN 7 windup snap together kit. Approx. 3" tall white knob
windup walker. Japanese issue. 1990. Mint in factory sealed
box. 35.00
RED KING windup snap together kit. Approx. 3" tall white knob windup
walker. Japanese issue. 1990. Mint in factory sealed box.
BALTANSEIZEN windup snap together kit. He has
bug eyes and lobster claw style hands) Approx. 3" tall white knob
windup walker. Japanese issue. 1990. Mint in factory sealed
box. 35.00
BULLMARK Anime Kits from Japan
300. ROBIN
II. Space Robot Series. Kitoy. 3" tall. box top
pictures a green robot. includes metal windup motor. walks
forward. molded in red. late 1960's issue. parts mint on
trees. motor is factory sealed. box is near mint.
scarce! 100.00
300. ROBIN III. Space Robot Series. Kitoy. 3"
tall. box top pictures a blue robot. includes metal windup
motor. walks forward. molded in red. late 1960's issue.
parts mint on trees. motor is factory sealed. box is near
mint. scarce! 100.00
CROWN Anime Kits from Japan
Japanese Anime model kit.
Model Robot
Series "GR2". mint 35.00
"Fantastic Series". hull is a 6" long cucumber! 1970's issue.
Not sure i this is from Anime or not. but it sure belongs in this category! Parts
mint & sealed. box exc. SCARCE and highly unusual kit! 89.50
G110-200. BATTLE
TITAN SPACE FIGHTER. molded in gray. has centrifugal force motor
that is operated by pull cord (like Kenner SSP cars). small approx.
3" across. parts are mint and factory sealed. box is
excellent. early and scarce. 22.00
GRIP Anime Kits from Japan
Boat Machine. Have no idea what the real name is. molded in 3
colors. small. parts are mint and factory sealed. box is very
good. 22.00
588-100. ROBOT MOLE
Boring Machine. Have no idea what the real name is. molded in 3
colors. small. parts are mint and factory sealed. box is excellent
plus. 22.00
HOBBYCRAFT from Canada
HC7106. NET ATTACKER CO-RUPT. 1:100. Net Warriors
series. Will evil lord Virus and wicked warriors forever corrupt the
Net? molded in pale green. parts are mint and factory sealed.
box is very good plus. 14.00
IMAI Anime Kits from Japan
CAR from Imai Playmodel kit - Cardatchi Series #15. Real cartoon looking dragster.. Parts are mint & sealed. box is
excellent. 35.00
B-572 ROBOT APACHE. 1977.
"Frontier Series" #3. rare kit for Japanese market only. On side of box is
pictured 7 other characters from this series. Parts are interchangeable among each
character. making LOTS
B-2133 ROBODATCHI - Great Sumo Wrestling
Robot WAKATAKA. has a piece (mini Rikishisi) which launches from the fan on his
back. "Sports World Series" #1. 1993. includes Collector Trading
Card. mint. 35.00
IRWIN TOYS Anime Kits made in China
"TIEN" from Dragonball
Z. snap kit; no glue
needed. Makes moveable jointed action
figure. Issued in
2000. Mint. factory sealed. 12.50
MONOGRAM "Anime" Model Kits
6068. ROYAL-T
Convertible. robot converts to Harrier Jet Fighter with pull-back
motor. 3" tall. 1984. molded in white. parts mint
but off the trees. box excellent. 15.00
6109 GOBOTS "Trans Am Convertible". 1/32 scale. Mighty Robot from the
planet GOBOTRON converts into a PONTIAC TRANS AM car. molded in black. c. 1984
issue. mint. factory sealed 25.00
NICHIMO of Japan
HBUE22-298. Macross Series Pitaban type. FIGHTER VF-15 ROY FOCKER
SPECIAL. 1:200. parts mint & factory sealed. box nm.
NITTO KAGAKU Anime from Japan
motorized GREAT FIELDER futuristic Helicopter. includes windup
motor. molded in transparent orange and red plastic. great box art
dated 1975. box has minor moisture damage. decals are included but
are no longer good. parts are mint. scarce. 75.00
NITTO and NITTO TAKARA Anime from Japan
RAYGUN. Neat color art of space guy
wearing a World Expedition Party uniform. 1970s vintage; Japan issue only;
no released in the U.S. Neat spring loaded life-size 1:1 scale raygun
shoots circular spinning discs from the front of the barrel; and shoots
rockets off the top of the raygun!. Molded in red and
orange. parts mint &
factory sealed. box is excellent plus to near mint. rare
kit! 199.50
23002-100. SKATE BOY. Takara. Crusher Joe. #2 in the series.
1:35. parts mint. box ex/nm. sorry sold
23008-100. CRAWLER. Takara. Crusher Joe. #8 in the
series.. 1:60. assembled - no glue. box
very good. 10.00
23009-100. DISKHOUND. Takara. Crusher Joe. #9 in the series.
1:35. parts mint & sealed. box ex/nm. sorry sold
23010-100. GADFLY. Takara. Crusher Joe. #10 in the
series. 1:20. partially
assembled - well done. box excellent. 12.00
23010-100. GADFLY. Takara. Crusher Joe. #10 in the series.
1:20. parts mint & factory sealed. box excellent. sorry sold
25158 (CCS-P-800).
SHIZUKA MISAKI by N.Miyasu. 1:8. cute Bunny Girl figure
kit. parts mint & factory sealed. box is near mint. 25.00
TAKARA Anime Kits from Japan
1 (441001-4-500). Northrop
F5G TIGER SHARK "Royal Aslan Air Force Fighter". 1:100.
1970's. Illustration of pilot Shin Kazama on boxtop. Copyright
Daipro. missing the large 1:24 scale figure and the display stand.
parts mint & factory sealed. box excellent. 12.00
1 (441001-4-500) Northrop F5G TIGER SHARK "Royal Aslan Air Force
Fighter". 1:100. 1970's. includes large 1:24 standing figure
also. Illustration of pilot Shin
Kazama on boxtop. Copyright Daipro. parts mint & factory
sealed. box near mint. 19.50
4 (441003-8-500). I.A.I. KFIR C2 "Royal Aslan Air Force
Fighter" 1:100. 1970's. Illustration of pilot Saki
Vashutarl on boxtop. Copyright Daipro. parts mint & factory
sealed. box near mint. 19.50
10 (441009-9-600) FAIRCHILD A10A THUNDERBOLT II "Royal Ashlan
Air Force Fighter" 1:100. includes figure. color picture
of pilot GREG GALZ on boxtop. parts mint & factory sealed.
boxtop is a bit pushed in. excellent. 18.00
443007-4-400 DONGO
ROBOT. Mabot 8945-GP from Crusher Joe. 1/12 scale. Parts are
mint and sealed. box exc. 21.00
TILT (Marui) Sci-Fi Kits from Japan
SCIENCE RANGER SOUND LASER GUN. Sci-Fi space raygun. "Secret
Arms" Series. 1970's issue. Released in Japan; not sold in
the U.S. full color box graphics are great. molded in transparent
blue. life size 1:1 scale. designed to be motorized for sound
& light (but electric motor was an optional accessory and is not included
with the kit). parts are
mint and factory sealed. Box is near mint. rare kit!
ULTRAMAN MAT AIRPLANE SPACESHIP. 1:72 scale. windup. fires
rockets. includes cardboard
figures of two different monsters to shoot at! parts are mint on
trees. older Japanese issue. all writing is in Japanese. great
box art. 149.50
WALKER. 1:144. older
discontinued. white know windup. looks very similar to Star Wars
vehicle. molded in silvery gray. parts mint & factory
sealed. box near mint. 35.00
TSUKUDA Anime Kits from Japan
NAUSICAA riding KAI. 1:20. circa 1984. original issue in
early box style with parts molded in tan. Princess astride Parrot like
steed. parts mint on trees. box near mint. hard kit to
find. 32.00
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